Monday, June 29, 2009

Speakeasy continues to return

Orlando's booziest, kewlest and humblest spoken word night keeps on keepin' on at Will's Pub this Tuesday June 30 at 9 p.m. with their special pre-July 4 edition. Come celebrate our independence with some flagrant abuse of the First Amendment! There won't be fireworks, but there will be fire-WORDS!* Hosted by Tod Caviness.

*Tod didn't write that "fire-words" thing. He would never do that.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hiatus, but the next best thing is better

Poetry people! Stay your plans! A mere two weeks after kickoff, Speakeasy is taking a break. No poets at Will's Pub this Tuesday June 23, just sweet indie music of some sort. We will be back up in it the following week.

But check out this substitute gig: Tod Caviness will be the happy guest host at his old stomping grounds for Real Open Mike at Urban Think Books on Wednesday June 24, starting promptly at 8:30 p.m. Feature poet that night? Sarah Q. Morgan, Philly slammer and flagship poet at the esteemed and unstoppable Write Bloody press. Check her out, won't you? Not because she's single, 'cause she will eat you alive, little groupie. Do it because you need to hear this stuff.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

If it's online, it must be true

We're back, kids. We were already here, to be exact. It's just the Tod Caviness-hosted version of open mike at Will's these days. This'll be a nice little placeholder until The Management gets something 'zazzier up, but for now: all three of you can get your Speakeasy news right up in here.